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tv   FOX Report  FOX News  April 28, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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this is the "the fox report." tonight a community on lockdown as authorities search for someone who murdered an 8-year-old child. and developing on this sunday, a new focus in the investigation of the boston terror bombings. lawmakers at the highest levels zeroing in on just how the two suspects may have learned so much about how to hurt so many. they could not have done this on their own. the chairman of the house homeland security committee saying he believes the boston bombing suspects had help. >> i think the experts all agree that there is someone who did train these two individuals. fox reports. the new questions being raised
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as the terror investigation intensifies. also, some of the victims from that attack 13 days ago now the first patients to receive treatment at a brand new you state of the art hospital. >> i can't wait to see and use the facility here. i'm sure it is definitely going to speed up people's recovery. >> i think this is all about creating an opportunity for our patients to be as independent as possible. >> harris: in minutes, following their path to recovery. and tracking criminals. on four legs. the k-9s that are part of an elite unit which answers the call of duty by land, sea and air. i'm harris faulkner. we begin with recovery in boston. 13 days after a terrorist hit, that city sikhe shaken to its e following the attack on the marethon. four people killed. and new tonightion many going
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home from boston area hospitals. although at least 21 victims remain hospitalized, one in serious condition. the investigation today taking a turn as the chairman of the house homeland security committee texas republican congressman mike mccaul telling fox news he believes they had help. he thinks dhokhar and tamerlan tsarnaev had training in carrying the aakron. he believes their mother help radicalize them. >> i believe she is a person of interest if not a subject. i do believe if it she comes into the united states she will be detained for questioning. i think there is a connection there. >> harris: that on the possible role of the mom with the suspects. and this coming into our newsroom, the father of the suspects now changing his decision to travel to the united states. he originally said he wanted to come here to see his one
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surviving son in person. and to get answers from police. now, he is saying in an undisclosed village in chechnya blaming his poor health. back in the u.s., learning new information about the living conditions of that remaining son the suspect. rick levinthal live for us tonight in boston. rick? >> reporter: a lot of folks especially bombing victims families weren't happy about dhokhar tsarnaev being held inside beth israel hospital where a lot of the bombing victims are still recovering. early friday morning dhokhar was transferred to the federal medical detention center 40 miles west of the city. and a spokesman telling the associated press he is in secure housing where can be monitor. the cell has a steel door and observation window and no access to tv or radio. he will like le be held at fort devins until fully recovers from the injuries including a
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neck wound suffered in the shootout with police early friday morning. >> harris: i spoke to the viewers about the parents and their reactions in all of this. i understand you have exclusive information on one of the sisters of the is suspect. >> we haven't heard are a lot about the tsarnaev sisters since the homes in new jersey were raided. bella and ilena are not suspected of involvement in the marathon terror attack but may be facing legal issues of their own. there was some suspicion the brothers might be hiding there after one of the sessions terrorist attacks may have attempted to contact one of the brothers after something their pictures on tv and realizing they might be wanted. during the raids, marijuana was found in both sisters hurricane plants, grow lights and other equipment. officials on scene collected a computer, cell phones and
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contraband and that contraband included pot plants. you can clearly see large bags being carried out and placed not the back of a truck outside the sister's home. we also confirmd that bella and her boyfriend were both arrested last december in new jersey on marijuana distribution charges. they were indicted on four counts related to those charges on april 10. five days before the bombings. harris? >> harris: rick bringing us a lot of new information. take it back now you if we can to the people surviving and the wonderful city of boston tonight and what copley square might have been like with everybody flooding back today. >> reporter: the people of boston truly responded to the plea from officials to come back to boylston street and survivors you port the victims and their families. we saw a line of people all day yesterday and all day today. a beautiful day and beautiful weekend in boston.
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folks came down here and frequented the businesses and came to the memorial filing through to look at the flowers and photographs and hand made posters and the running shoes piled on top of the met cal barricades in tribute to the marathon and the victims and the families and to boston strong, harris. >> harris: rick levinthal. thank you very much. ten boston bombing victims now at a newly opened state of the art medical facility right outside boston. among them, rose anna. she lost her leg as she stood on the street next to the second explosion. she described the scene as she fought to stay alive. >> i did try to get up at one point and realized i just couldn't and some guy who i have yet to find came over to me, a young kid and came over to to me and he kept saying you have to get up you you have to get out of here and i was like i can't, i don't have a leg.
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and he picked me up and i remember him carrying me athe street or into the street and he i guess took his belt off and created a tourniquet on my leg. >> have no idea who that person was. saved her life. she says she remembers the comfort she felt while a police officer held her hand while she was loaded into an ambulance and taken to the hospital. some of the staff at the new hospital say they ran in the marethon themselves and they say they are. >> to help anyway they can. now, to syria. first context. u.s. officials announced late last week chemical weapons had been used by syrian forces. now, growing questions about how the united states should respond to news of chemical weapons being used there. just hours ago, senator john mccain said the red line
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president obama drew himself has already been crossed and we need to be doing more. >> sooner or later he most likely would in order to maintain his hold on power but what has happened here is the president drew a red line about chemical weapons thereby giving a green light to bashar assad to do anything sort of that including scud missiles and helicopter gunships and air strikes and mass executions and atrocities that are on a scale that we have not seen in a long, long team. >> harris: the obama administration saying there are still too many unanswered questions. congress from i'll grows. >> we had a little problem with going to the u.n. with the idea of weapons of mass destruction before so we certainly want to finish the investigation. >> harris: conor powell has more in the middle east newsroom. con are? >> reporter: a recently
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defected syrian general said he was ordered to use chemical weapons in the tunnels and caves used by rebels but says he rue fused the order and instead used disinfected water. this is the most recent claim that the assad regime used or tried to use chemical weapons. president obama said repeatedly that the use of chemical weapons would cross a red line forcing action but stopped short of saying what type of action would be taken. the white house is very concerned about the use of chemical weapons against rebels and civilians but equally concerned that the weapons may fall into the hands of extremist groups fighting alongside the rebels. president obama reduced expectations that the u.s. would intervene in syria any time soon. as the fighting rages on u.s. officials fear if the united states were to intervene and remove assad, things may just get worse. harris? >> harris: conor, thank you. a knife attack in new mexico leaves four people hurt. it happened in a place of worship.
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details still coming into the newsroom now from albuquerque. service was closing this morning when a young man climbed over the pews and began repeatedly stabbing the choir's lead singer. other parishonners may have been hurt as they struggled to substitute attacker. remarkably none of the injuries considered life threatening at this point. the suspect was held down by the people of the church before police could get there. he has yet to be identified. investigators say he did not belong to the church. right now fierce resources deployed to find a killer after a little girl is attacked in her own home and later dies. police say it happened while she and her brother were home alone. as you can imagine, people on the town on high alert. being told now to stay indoors with their doors locked while law enforcement can do its job to track a murderer. the latest on the manhunt. and police responding to an emergency, well, they arrive at something they don't see every
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day. a plane upside down in a cow pasture. and now we are learning about the the condition of the three people onboard. stay close. @ i'm just saying, why does the enterprise get all the good missions?
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[ bang, alarm blaring ] here we go. on-screen. i'm very sorry. i think i ran into you. it's space. you couldn't go around me?
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>> harris: local reports police are investigating the december appearancance an abduction. they are now looking for a silver cruis chrysler mini vann by a man in his 30s. a man hunt in california for the keller of an 8-year-old child. people in valley spring are being told to lock their doors and according to police now fingerprints and possible dna evidence has been recovered from the home where the homicide is believed to have taken place. they also say while there are no specific suspects or person of interest, persons of interest, authorities are using descriptions from possible witnesses in pursuing some leads now. the little girl, leila fowler was home alone with her 12-year-old brother when we were told a strange broke in and take attacked her.
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chris biehl with more. >> reporter: the two kids there home alone the sheriff says went through an unimaginable horror. the 12-year-old called his parents about a strange in the house. the parents called 911 and responding medics and deputies discovered the sister badly injured in the home. she died later at the hospital. >> did the surviving child recognize the person? >> he did not? >> a search started for a man scene running from the home. someone on foot wouldn't be too terribly common in such a rural area. >> we are searching ec eck exty into attics and storage sheds. >> reporter: a community on hold until this man is found. >> harris: right now in communities across the midwest and you know if you are there, concerns rising as fast as the
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flood waters. look at this. people are losing their homes. roads closed. lives on hold. if not in peril. now, a new storm forecast to race towards the affected area. and a boat surrounded by water. wow. and on fire as you can see. engine explodes into flames and they are waiting to rescue them, the rest of the story when we come back. but we can still help you see your big picture. with the fidelity guided portfolio summary, you choose which accounts to track and use fidelity's analytics to spot trends, gain insights, and figure out what you want to do next. all in one place. i'm meredith stoddard and i helped create
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>> harris: a plane with engine trouble crash lands in a florida cow you pasture. it was above tampa when aviation officials say the pilot made a distress call he was having engine trouble.
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not long after that a pilot spotted plane upside down in the field. none of the three men onboard was seriously injured but they were hurt. now, the f.a.a. is investigating. a powerful but slow moving storm making its way east after dumping more than 6-inches of rain in a few hours in houston, texas. another severe storm is approaching the midwest where flood warnings are already in effect as the mississippi and dozens of other rivers are spilling over their banks. president obama already signed an emergency declaration for north dakota. the rising red river in fargo expected to peak soon. meteorologist janice dean is in the fox extreme weather center now. it is the season for this. it never gets any easier. >> it doesn't. a wait and see process. it will take until wednesday where we think it is going to peak. take a look at the red river where we are dealing with rapid snow melt. great temperatures this weekend, spring like. it melted the snow pack in some
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cases over a foot of snow still on the ground. so we are dealing with the melting snow is and then the storms that are moving in. so that is going to be an ongoing problem as we head into wednesday. so flood stage for the red river. 18 feet. we are at major flood stage right now. just a close to 30 feet. we are expecting it to crust around 37 feet and the record is 40.8 feet. you can see people are bracing. that is not the only area dealing with flooding. across the ohio river valley, missouri and then all of this feeds into the great mississippi river valley and this will be an ongoing situation throughout the next couple of weeks. we have is storm after storm moving into the region. let's talk about the storm that brought incredible amounts of rain over texas into towards tennessee. now, moving across the southeast towards the mid atlantic. still looking for the threat of severe today. earlier on today we had tornado warnings in and around the atlanta, georgia area. no warnings just yet but we want to make people sure that
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they are paying close attention if you live in the the regions could see hail, heavy winds, damaging downpours and, yes, even tornadoes. harris. >> harris: people talking about the fact we haven't is seen a real winter in many areas. the fact the snow is melting close to may is more evidence and truth that we had a real winter this year and in fact people are going to get snow in the next day or so. >> we could see snow on the first and send day of may. let's take a look at the next storm system that moves into the midwest where we have is the swollen rivers unfortunately, harris. we will deal with the potential for more flood and rainfall. then watch this system here across the northern rockies. some of the computer models are saying we are going to have some plowable snow over the central u.s. and this actually could be record-breaking. so late in the season. here is one of the computer models. across the rockies in towards nebraska and parts of missouri. we could get several inches of snow. so certainly something we need
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to monitor over the next couple of days. this could be a record-breaker and i'm sure people across the regehr like uncle, we are so done! >> harris: no doubt. and that extends the flooding soon, too because then all that snow has to melt and then we are going into june. >> absolutely. the one highlight here is that the area is into a severe drought. we are not into a drought situation any more athe midwest because of all of the rain. this region actually could use the moisture. so there is a silver lining. >> harris: you are the silver lining. >> aah. >> thank you. good to see you. >> good to see you any time. >> harris: the senate recently voted down his plan to extend background checks for guns. today one lawmaker says the fight is far from over. why the showdown over the second amendment could be heating up again. and they are the suspected faces of terror. one question looms large was the plot in boston too
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sophisticated for these alleged killers to pull it off on their own? through this institute as a new you grandfather urine wha, whae world that you hope to continue to build for her? >> i hope that little mila who i got to hug last week obviously grows up in a world
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that is peaceful. the museum talks about history and lessons and how to make decisions but also is hopefully an inspiration for somebody toy a better place. and i hope little mila grows up in it and i think she will. >> i think she will. >> the country is going be still a generous country. >> up close with 43 president george w. bush tonight at 9:00 p.m. geico and we could help youo save on boat and motorcycle insurance too. other insurance companies are een with envy.
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>> harris: i'm harris faulkner. this is "the fox report." if you are just joining us developments unfolding this sunday on the boston bombing investigation. the chairman of the house homeland security committee says the fbi is looking at whether the suspects in the bombing received special training. texas congressman michael mccaul told "fox news sunday's" chris wallace the type of bomb used suggests the suspects had help. >> i think given the level of sophistication of this device, the fact that the pressure cooker is a signature device that goes back to pakistan, afghanistan, leads me to believe and the way they handled these devices and the trade craft leads me to believe there was a trainer and the question is where is that trainer or trainers. >> harris: steve centanni live with the news for us in washington. steve? >> continuing questions today about the bombing suspects. their family and any training or i indoctrnation they may hae
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received. one special focus is a trip taken by tamerlan tsarnaev to russia. and they want to know about the boys' mother and whether she could have is helped radicalize other hensons. republican congressman peter king of new york says russia had information about her that they didn't give u.s. authorities. >> they had evidence showing that the mother thought that he was sympathetic towards jihad and islamic fundamentalism. and they did not share that with the fbi. if they had it could have changed this dramatically. >> some angry that dhokhar tsarnaev was given his miranda rights too soon effectively stopping the flow of information. others say it was proper and that vital information was obtained and there does not appear to be any wider web of
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terror involved here. >> there is no evidence at this point. the investigation continues but there is no evidence at this point that these two were part of a larger organization, tt they were in fact part of some kind of terrorist cell or any kind of direction. it appears at this point based on the evidence that i it is te two of them. >> the investigation continues to see what else if anything can be learned. harris? >> steve centanni, thank you very much. did lawmakers actually underand it the bipartisan gun control bill? one senator wants to give colleagues on the hill another chance at it, a second chance to read it. democrat joe manchin of west virginia says he will reintroduce the bipartisan bill that would require background checks at shows and online. he says he is not going to change a worded of it. he says the men and women of congress have to read and comprehend the 49 pages.
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it was shelfed when it received just 64 of the required 60 -- just 54 of the required votes. he said he is confident if his colleagues read it they will be behind it. >> if they take time to read it. if you are law abiding gun owner you ought to love this bill. if you are a criminal you probably won't like it. we don't infringe on anybody's rights. individual rights. >> harris: senator are manchin teamed up with pat toomey to put together the legislation. a new change is coming to president obama's cabinet. the president expected to nominate the mayor of charlotte, north carolina to be secretary of transportation. a white house official telling us mayor anthony fox has successfully seen a rapid growth in the city infrastructure sense becoming mayor in 2009. he would take over for current transportation secretary ray lahood. a display of military might by israel over the gaza strip.
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it began after the a series of rockets fired from the gaza strip landed in southern israel. israeli war planes quickly retaliated. they claim a hamas training install las vegas were targeted. no injuries were reported. rocket attacks from gaza into israel have been declining but sporadic violence across the border remains a threat. a violent face-off between the government in libya and about 200 armed protesters. remember the united states role in a no fly and all that libya has been to and now we fast forward to instability suddenly in the country. the protesters have surrounded the tripoli foreign minister building with a number of trucks some mounded with machine guns. demanding reforms within the ministry claiming it still contains senior supporters of the old regime. the protesters also want
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libya's new government to hire former fighters who helped overthrow ex-dictator momar ghadafi. aen in laddish, hundreds already died and countless others still trapped we are told. flames forcing rescue efforts to come to a halt today. it happened as rescuers were trying to free a woman found trapped in the rubble. amazing survivors still. new video which shows them crying after the fire forced them to leave her behind. they believe she didn't make it. fox cannot confirm that in depen tently, though. earlier rescuers were able to reach several survivors. we are told they found at least nine people alive today. they have been trapped since wednesday when the 8 story building came crashing down. just a day after cracks were found in the walls. at least 377 people confirmed dead now you. that number expected to rise. so many of them missing. also today police arresting the
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owner of that building just before he crossed the border into india. he was taken back to the capitol of bangladesh by helicopter where he will face charges of negligence. the last time any one how same in public was a day before the collapse when assured tenants the building was safe. news of his arrest bringing cheers from crowd there's. they have been protesting this for days. the building collapse is the deadliest tragedy to hit the garment industry ever. the factory workers get paid $38 a month. a little context for you there. two policemen wounded with bullets which apparently were meant for public officials. our top story as we go around the world in 80 seconds. italy. the shots fired right outside the premier's office in rome
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just as the italy new government was being sworn in. but you that was about a half mile' way. the suspect wrestled to the ground. authorities saying he is out of work, desperate and claimed he wanted to shoot politicians. france. an explosion rips off the side of a five story apartment building east of paris. more than 100 rescue workers searching through what is left of the structure for possible survivors. we do know two people died. several other o the grounds injured. no word yet on what caused it. israel. on sunda -- palm sunday for whx christians. the holiday marking the day jesus rode into jerusalem and was greeted by cheering crowds with palm fronds. argentina waiters carrying trays of beverages rating through the streets. testing speed and balance. the goal to make it along the mile long path without spilling the drinks.
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the winner did it in 17 minutes. for that, a $4,800 prize. not bad. that is a rap on this fox trip around the world in 80 seconds. like millions of others from the greatest generation, he responded to the call to fight an evil regime. now, a grateful nation honoring this world war ii veteran for his service but it is not the u.s. also, a day on the water turning into a life or death situation in an instant. four people suddenly find their boat on fire and time running out. in order to go with a fire like that. humans. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why at liberty mutual insurance, to policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify.
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♪ 'cause the only good weed is a weed that's dead ♪ ♪ roundup yeha! [ whip cracks ] [ male announcer ] roundup... [ whip cracks ] with the new one-touch wand. >> harris: four people trapped on aborning boat nearly a mile off who are. our first stop on this fox trip across america. california. cameras back on land capturing the flames flying from the rear
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of the boat. three people huddling at the other end with their friend in the water trying to hang on. they manage to call 911. within minutes the san francisco police boat pulled up to rescue them. the boat's owner saying something went wrong right before he saw smoke. >> killed the engine. started up again. as soon as i started it up i heard this zap, poof and next thing you know, flames. >> one of the guys hospitalized for smoke inhalation. >> pennsylvania. a neighborhood evacuating at dawn. are as firefighters tried to put out an inferno at a warehouse in philadelphia. first the flames and then several explosions. >> it is unsafe. we hear explosions going off and that is going prompt us and the fire marshall to take a close are look at the property. >> took three hours to get it under control. no one was hurt. texas severe weather blamed for a roof collapse at a convenience store outside houston. the store's owner heard the ceiling starting to give and
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quickly got everybody out safely. three minutes later, bam. iowa. a world war ii veteran receiving a top military honor. not from the united states, but from france. arthur survived the d-day invasion and the battle of the bulge and for that the french government giving him the prestigious legion of honor award which dates back to the time of napoleon. arthur says he was simply doing his duty. >> a responsibility i have. the government was in trouble and they drafted people and i was in there and draft. >> that is a fox watch across america. an american war veteran who helped create one of the most iconic images of world war ii has died. allen wood passed away at his home near los angeles. in february of 1945 wood was just 22 year old a naval officer stationed on the shorts of iwo jima.
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six u.s. servicemen hoisted wood's banner are atop iwo jima. later immortalized as a washington months of private sector newment. now, serves as inspiration and tribute. wood's son says his dad was always humbled by what he considere in that historic moment. allen wood. we salute you. he was 90 years old. a misser tory on the west coast. marine biologists are trying to figure out why the sea lion population is starving to death. more than 1400 pups found beached this year emaysiated. that is five times the typical amount. is there something wrong in the pacific? dominik is in playa del ray, california. >> reporter: this is worrying. what is going on in the water. well, as many as 20 sea lion
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pups were turning up at one point on the beaches here and 20 may not seem like it lot but considering it has been happening since january it is of great concern. stretching the sea life resources to the limits. another stranded puppy scooped up by the marine animal rescue volunteers on the shores of southern, california. >> during a typical season we will see between 50 and 80 california sea lions. by the beginning of april weed a meted over 1400. >> 1400 mostly from the chattel islands rescued in southern, california so far are this year. the typical average is a third of that. >> you can see rib cages through their skein and the speans or shoulder blades and coming in even thinner than this. noaa as declared an abnormal mortality event. it is not just a supply problem. >> by investigating causes into
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their things that are impacting them we do a lot of teams get information that in turn can impact us. we eat a lot of the things, using the oceans in similar ways so what we learn from them definitely goes to our health. >> well, will it get inside our food chain? who knows. investigations are underway and marine biologists are looking to everything from biotox ins to possibly radiation traveling across the pacific from the fukishima plant. >> quite a journey and trail to follow and interesting connection between the sea lion and human and what potentially could come to be. thank you, dominik. they may be called man's best friend but these k-9s will bring you down if you are on the wrong side of the law. an inside look at police dog training. and honoring an american folk legend.
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>> harris: man's best friend on the frontlines helping to keep the public safe. these dogs, though, do more than just catch the crooks. anna with a closeup work at the look being done by the k-9 criminal busters. serving 8 billion people is no easy task. the nypdk-9 unit always staying on the cutting edge as far as training. they have about 40 dogs.
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>> we use them on almost every situation. tactical and search and rescue situations. even searching for missing people. we want to have thabilitie capabilities of putting the dogs in and out of. >> the area is secure already. >> tell us what is the training exercise scenario? >> we have a suspect wanted for a robbery. he is in a blew hoodie and we will apprehend him with the police canine. >> the perpetrator has to be want forward felony. let's see the work. >> get him! >> wow. you don't want to be on the other end of that. >> we need to move the dog to another part of the city. we can bring the helicopter in. we can hoist the dog up into the helicopter and fly him across the city. when the helicopter lands they are fighting to go in first.
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>> good to go. >> good to go. >> this is aragon. midwest nypd canine unit has been repelling for a year. unbelievable. >> two training mixes down. on to the third. let's all get in. come on. 12 of the dogs are cert by the department of homeland security. what types of natural disasters have they been involved? >> hurricane sandy. gustav.
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ike. new orleans. we are bringing in the helicopter. he is going to come down with the hoist and he is going to lower our canine and a handler to the hover launch. just in case we have to put the dog and handler to another place. >> storm, ready to do it again? they are always ready for more work. >> harris: are that is one of the coolest things i have seen in a long time. did you see that dog? he wouldn't wait to get back up there. amazing. anna, thank you very much. speaking of security in new york city, extra precautions being taken for the new york annual five burrow bike tour. some in response to the boston marathon terror attack recently. the 32,000 racers will not be allowed to wear backpacks and can't bring saddle bags at the race nor can they carry hydration packs for the 40-mile ride. however, they can bring water bottles. history about to be made in
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lower manhattan. from jersey we can see this. it is awesome. a symbol of new york's resilience. one world trade about to break a big record. it is part of our fox fast forward. and one of the greatest rock and roll legends, bands of all time. you know them. the rolling stones. putting on a surprise concert. our landing time got moved back another hour. ( crowd chatters and groans ) hunger creeping up on you ? stash a ritz crackerfuls. made with real cheese and whole grain. don't get caught hungry. ritz crackerfuls. from the united states postal service a small jam maker can ship like a big business. just go online to pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. we'll do the rest. ♪
4:55 pm
4:56 pm
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>> harris: rollen stones fans getting plenty of satisfaction in los angeles. ♪ >> harris: he never ages. mick jagger and h his group taking the stage at a small club to celebrate their 50 and counting anniversary tour. as the name suggests the tour marks the rolling stones half century milestone in the music
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bess. it was evident from the gig, they showed no signs of slowing down and there were a few famous faces in thwd too. stefanillis and gwen stamp mononeme. the cheapest admission to the tour will be 250. they're scheduled to play next weekend at l.a.'s staple center. more than 45 years after his death, a tribute to a music legend. >> woody! >> tulsa dedicating a museum this weekend to honor the life and talents of american folk singer woody guthrie. the center and museum will feature his guitars and interactive music centers but the top attraction may be the original lyrics to "this land it your land."
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nicknamed the dust bowl balladeer. woody guthrie died in 1967. fast forward now to some of the big stories coming up this week. monday the suspect arrested for sending ricin laced letters to president obama and two other public officials expected to appear in u.s. district court in mississippi. he faces charges of attempting to use a biological weapon and could get up to life in prison if convicted. also monday construction crews in lower manhattan will raise the feal two sections of a 408-foot spy at the top of one world trade making the building the tallest in the world in the western hemisphere i should say. 1,776 feet tall. it is awesome to see. thursday, a public funeral service for country music legend george jones in nashville. a private service for family and friends set for wednesday. that is how "the fox reports" on this sunday april 28, 2013. i'm hai.
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>> harris: harris faulkner. for now, have a fabulous week. tweet to me and i'll tweet you back. be blessed. harris falker. huckabee starts now. >> tonight on tonight on huckabee. >> i'm like sure that my kids were not involved in this. america took my kids away from me he. >> as the suspected boston bomber's mother blames america, investigators say they had plans to set off bombs in times square. next, were there warning signs that friendly and socialable dhokhar was being brain washed by jihad? and -- >> i just hit a huge train wreck. >> why are democrats bailing out of the senate. >> plus, inside the courtroom of the murder trial of abortion doctor kermit gosnell. and a tribute to legendary country singer george jon


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